Hi, I am Martina, and I am a photographer. I am also a human a woman a mother a cancer survivor etc. 

Someone asked me recently what style of photography I like best, and I had trouble answering, as I do enjoy photographing families and children, which I was doing for that person. BUT - I REALLY LOVE PHOTOGRAPHING WOMEN!

Why is that? Well, I could say, that I love the shape of the body. To me it is a piece of art. I also love making them feel beautiful when they might have doubts.

Today, I met with a new boudoir client. We hung out in a coffeeshop discussing what she wants, likes, does not like etc.

Let me tell you, I had goosebumps almost the entire time. As she was telling me about her body dysmorphia, showing me her scars, revealing her insecurities, body parts she prefers to hide. And then she told me about all the parts she loves about herself! This made me SO HAPPY! There she was! There were things she liked about herself! And the ones she was not so excited about, we are going to change her mind! I can’t wait!

Oh, and did I mention she is a cancer survivor?!!! 

That is something we have in common! We both had lost our hair and had to come to terms with all kinds of things. I do believe this experience changes you! There is a daring zest for life that emerges from the shadowy depths! She also rides motorcycles now! As I did before I had kids. Time to revisit that!

Our meeting today gave me life and underlined ALL the reasons, why I love boudoir photography and photographing women!

We go through so much, we are goddesses, we give life, we love and nurture and so many times we forget about ourselves!

I am here to help you to remember to LOVE YOURSELF! Thank you, Alison, I believe I have a new friend now. Which is how I see the women I photograph. You will become my friend as we form this tribe of newfound power and self-love!

Are you curious yet? I am looking forward to hearing from you!

With love,



Martina is an amazing photographer. She immediately puts you at ease and simultaneously boosts your confidence. The photos she has taken of me (3 shoots so far) far outweighed my expectations of how I could be caputured by the camera each time and I’m an actress who has worked with several photographers over the years. Martina is the best!      - MARTA



To unleash your inner goddess!  Be the pampered star for the day! Have an unforgettable experience! See yourself in a new light! Have so much fun in the process!  Create both tangible and intangible forever memories! 





How do you picture a mother? Do you feel forced to fit into a preconceived idea? A box? Are you obliged to give up or hide certain parts of yourself to be taken seriously in the role you are playing that minute? Do you miss or want to explore dormant or uncharted side of YOU? Do you want to show the world that one does not necessarily exclude the other? Come and tell me your story!

"Thank you for making me feel so beautiful! This is the kind of shoot I always wanted, but didn't know I needed!"


“I feel like a goddess.”


“Those Insecurities I’m telling you. Having kids is liberating for me.”


"I’m kind of a jeans and t-shirt girl. I brought three options. One says FACE YOUR
FEARS, this one RUN WILD or just a plain white one. What do you think?"



Experience fee $595


Pre - Shoot Consultation

Wardrobe Guide

Professional Hair & Make Up 

90 Minute Photoshoot

Posing and Directing

Professional Retouching of Select Images

In Person Viewing Session

Min. 60 images Viewing Gallery

$100 Print Credit

Experience Fee does not include Digital Images, Prints, Products. Complete Price List available upon request.

Contact  Me


Tel: (646) 926-3081

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